MUMBAI: The BMC’s development plan department issued a circular on September 15 with regards to measures to be taken to control environmental pollution due to construction activities.
As per the circular issued by the chief engineer of the development plan (DP) department of the BMC, “Various types of constructions and infrastructure projects are in progress in Mumbai. It is observed that these projects create adverse effect on environment in the form of dust, noise and vibration, etc. In order to prevent and control the environmental pollution, BMC has set up Mumbai air pollution litigation plan. The guidelines provided in this plan are mandatorily to be undertaken by all the ongoing and proposed building construction works.”
Some of the instructions issued include continuous dust or wind breaking tin / metal sheet of more than 20 feet height around the periphery of entire construction project site. Tarpaulin/green cloth / jute sheet to be used on scaffolding covering an entire area under demolition structure. Regular cleaning of tarpaulin or jute sheet to be undertaken and on-site crushing & hammering of demolition material.